Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saskatchewan Essentials

Saskatchewan is a unique province to say the least, and has a very different take on style and dress then most other areas of Canada.  This guide to traditional Saskatchewan dress will provide you with valuable information on how to pack, should you ever make the trip out west. 
ISO400  1/500  f8.0
Saskatchewan is cold, plain and simple.  With temperatures being well below -15 degrees Celsius from October to April, you are going to need a bunnyhug to keep you warm.  That’s right, a bunny hug.  It is defined as a hooded, pullover sweatshirt.  However, most Saskatchewanians just refer to any sort of sweater or fleece jacket, be it a pullover or zip-up, with hood or without, as a bunny hug.

  ISO400  1/500  f8.0
The likelihood of ending up at a country bar, be it The Long Branch in Saskatoon or Whiskey Saloon in Regina, is extremely high.  A pair of good quality, comfortable cowboy boots is just the footwear you will need to be spun and two-stepped around the dance floor all night long by a tall, sexy cowboy wearing a pair of Wranglers so tight that you can see more then just his perfect butt through them.
 ISO400  1/500  f8.0
With any luck, that sexy cowboy will invite you back to his ranch the next day, (or farm if he prefers to be called a cattleman, as so many do).  The denim shirt is the perfect mixture of fashion, function, and durability.  While you’re helping that cowboy/cattleman ween, vaccinate, castrate, brand, or herd, the denim shirt will allow you to look good, without having to worry about it being ruined.   

ISO400  1/500  f8.0
Everybody in Saskatchewan is a die-hard Roughrider fan.  And I mean everybody.  Wearing any type of Rider paraphernalia is a must on game day, even if you are not actually going to see the game live at Mosaic Stadium.  Jerseys, bandanas, hats, t-shirts, and watermelon helmets are all acceptable, as long as it is Rider green or exhibits the Roughrider logo.  Of all the tips provided here, this is by far the most important to follow.  Wearing Calgary Stampeders red, Winnipeg Blue Bombers gold, or Toronto Argonauts blue will not make you any friends on game day.

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