Sunday, March 24, 2013

My wish list!

My birthday is coming up soon, so I was thinking, why not make a wish list from one of my favorite vintage stores, Timeless Apparel, here in Toronto?!

F-stop: 5,6 // Shutter: 1/30 // ISO: 800

F-stop: 5,6 // Shutter: 1/30 // ISO: 1250

F-stop: 3,8 // Shutter: 1/30 // ISO: 800

F-stop: 4,5 // Shutter: 1/25 // ISO: 1600

1 comment:

  1. Cool wish list, but every post needs to be at least 3 sentences long. Please re-write and e-mail me when you have actually completed this post.

