Sunday, January 27, 2013

Antique Market Fashions

Fashion finds, vintage accessories and jewellery galore – who wouldn't love spending an afternoon browsing through the St. Lawrence Antique Market? With so many unique pieces, you’re sure to find an original piece no one else will have! Take a trip down one Sunday and see for yourself all the fashion treasures you can find. 

[f/ 3.5, Shutter: 1/60sec, ISO: 400]

[f/ 4.5, Shutter: 1/80sec, ISO: 400]

[f/ 3.2, Shutter: 1/60sec, ISO: 400]

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Liquid Liner in 3, 2, 1!

My quick make up routine includes the following staples:
Liquid liner, mascara, concealer, eyebrow powder & a bit of bronzer.
Since grade 10 I have worn liquid liner. {Might have something to do with Lauren Conrad off The Hills... embarrassing.} Waking up looking like my younger brother, really is not how I want to walk into class late... the 10 minutes to do my make up {half awake} is well worth my time. 
Here are my three steps for liquid liner!
STEP ONE: Line your top lid with short strokes, avoiding stretching your lid. Short strokes give you more control! {1/60 5.0 ISO6400 }
 STEP TWO: Create the wing line upwards towards the end of your eyebrow.
{1/60 5.0 ISO5000 }
STEP THREE: Connect the tip of the wing straight to the middle of the eyelid. Making sure when your eye is closed the top line is straight and not curved. {1/60 5.0 ISO6400 }

A little video to show the process in action...and to show I have to much time on my hands.
-Holly out-

D.I.Y Thursday!

Hello there everyone! I just wanted to share with all of you a really cheap place to buy studs on Etsy/ show you all what I used them for today!   

Shutter Speed- 1/2 F Stop - 5 ISO - 100 (auto)

Shutter Speed - 1/100, F Stop - 10, ISO - 100 (auto)

Shutter Speed - 1/8, F Stop - 5.6, ISO 150 (auto)

Shutter Speed - 1/20, F Stop 16, ISO - 3200 (auto)
You can buy these stud rivets here for $2.69 for 200 pieces with FREE shipping! Yes, we are all broke, but how could you not pass up on this cheap offer! So go forth my fine friends and stud your life away! 

- Oana

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First photography post

My friend Mishelle and I found this picture on a fashion tumblr website. She asked me if I could photograph her to re-create this photo. So we set up her room, changed her outfit and drew on the little eight ball tattoo on her arm with a marker. We had a lot of fun taking pictures!

Tech Specs: F-stop - F20, Shutter - 0"8, ISO- auto

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome to the Blog!

Hello class,

Welcome to your W13 class blog! I hope you are as excited as I am to see what turns up on our site.  Remeber to check the Blogging brief before you get started so you get your full marks for this assignment.

Have fun with it!